Public Hearing Notice Bylaw 1992: Macleod Landing

7:00 p.m. November 12, 2024
Town of Fort Macleod Council Chambers
410 20th Street, Fort Macleod, AB
PURSUANT to sections 216.4, 606 and 692 of the Municipal Government Act, Revised Statutes of Alberta 2000, Chapter M-26, as amended, the Council of the Town of Fort Macleod in the Province of Alberta hereby gives notice of its intention to consider Bylaw No. 1992, being a bylaw to amend Bylaw No. 1882, being the municipal Land Use Bylaw.
THE PURPOSE of Bylaw No. 1992 is redesignate a lands legally described as:
Lot 3 Block 31 Plan 1212310;
from “Residential Manufactured Home: R-MH” to “Residential: R”;
from “Residential Manufactured Home: R-MH” to “Residential Multi-Unit: R-MU”;
from “Residential Manufactured Home: R-MH” to “Commercial General: CG”;
from “Residential Manufactured Home: R-MH” to “Public and Institutional: PI”;
from “Residential Manufactured Home: R-MH” to “Agriculture: AG”;
Lot 14MR Block 29 Plan 9911458
from “Public and Institutional: PI” to “Commercial General: CG”;
Lot 13MR Block 29 Plan 9611918
from “Public and Institutional: PI” to “Commercial General: CG”;
from “Public and Institutional: PI” to “Residential Multi-Unit: R-MU”;
Portion of roadway within Plan 9611918 from “no zoning” to “Commercial General: CG” and “Public and Institutional: PI”
Lot 4 Block 1 Plan 2410216
from “Residential Manufactured Home: R-MH” to “Agriculture: AG”;
Lot 5 Block 31 Plan 0012301
from “Residential Manufactured Home: R-MH” to “Commercial General: CG”;
Portion of Plan 5707HS Block OT
from “no zoning” to “Commercial General: CG”; and as depicted in the attached map.
THEREFORE, TAKE NOTICE THAT a public hearing to contemplate proposed Bylaw No. 1992 will be held in the Town of Fort Macleod Council Chambers at 7:00 p.m. on the 12th day of November, 2024.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE THAT anyone wishing to make a presentation regarding the proposed bylaw should contact the Chief Administrative Officer no later than 1:00 p.m. on the 31st day of October, 2024. Both written and/or verbal presentations may be given at the public hearing.
A copy of the proposed bylaw may be inspected at the Town of Fort Macleod municipal office during normal business hours.
DATED at the Town of Fort Macleod in the Province of Alberta this 15th day of October, 2024.
Anthony Burdett
Chief Administrative Officer
Town of Fort Macleod
Box 1420
Fort Macleod, Alberta T0L 0Z0